Detalle del libro: Medical Education in Internal Medicine The postgraduate training in the specialty
Autor: Roberto M. Cataldi Amatriain - Ramón Pujol Farriols - Pierre Bou Khalil
Categoría: Oficios
Categoría: Oficios
Descripcion: INTRODUCTIONProf. RobertoM. Cataldi Amatriain?The profile of the specialist in Internal Medicineshall never be finished and shall never be perfect?.There are many opinions either about the profile of the internist or his training, andnot all of them have a solid base. The evolution of Internal Medicine through timetook place at different speeds and with different characteristics, according to thetimes. Profile and training were different in the Ancient Times, the Middle Age, theModern Age, and even in our days. The speed of the change increased and becamevertiginous in the twentieth century and at the present time. Nowadays doctors haveto make great efforts to be updated with the bulky existing information, procedures,and other aspects inherent to the specialty. It is likely that in the next decades thecircumstances will force to implement deeper changes suitable to the level ofknowledge and the requirements of the society at that time. It is very important topay close attention to the evolution of the professional profile through the years,since you cannot innovate in an intelligent way if you do not thoroughly know thepast of the profession.In Me ....
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